Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council


To exercise full control and management of the affairs of the Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council and all the powers and authority granted to it in the Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council By-Laws.


To be accountable to the MCTC member Maskwacis Cree Nations and funders


To support sovereign Maskwacis Cree Nations advocate, uphold and affirm Treaty and Indigenous Rights, traditional ancestral territories and natural resources in collaboration with the Crown and Right of Canada

Service Delivery and Capacity Development

To co-develop and launch specific programs and services in partnership with Maskwacis Cree Nations including capacity development initiatives for their citizens

Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council Values


We are committed to a strong working relationship

Iyniw Mamitonyecikan

We are creative thinkers and are resourceful 


We are knowledgeable and live our Maskwacis Cree culture and traditions 


We work together 


We are patient and have understanding 


We respect each other and ourselves


To provide enhanced advisory programs and services in collaboration with Maskwacis Cree Nations that promote the Cree way of life, healthy living, socio-economic opportunities and environment protection.


United and committed Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council assisting sovereign Maskwacis Nations to support our Peoples to become self-sufficient and live healthy lifestyles.