Board of Directors History


Original formulation of the four Maskwacis Cree Nations

1996 - 1997

Original discussions around ‘Tribal Council’ with Chief Howard Mustus presenting on Yellowhead Tribal Council.


INAC delivered a presentation to Maskwacis Cree regarding the Tribal Council program on April 13th.


4 Nation Office closes.

2011 to 2018

4 Nations revolve hosting Maskwacis Cree meetings.


Initiate discussions with INAC on forming a Tribal Council.


Maskwacis Cree successfully change the name from Hobbema to Maskwacis on December 31st.


Maskwacis Education Schools Commission (MESC) is incorporated in February and funding is secured to establish one education authority for the Maskwacis Cree. Maskwacis
Cree sign Cree Language Declaration on June 22nd.


Councilor Kevin Buffalo moved to form a Tribal Council at a Maskwacis Cree regular meeting and seconded by Terry Buffalo on June 13th. Maskwacis Cree Chiefs sign the ‘Declaration on Education and Delegation Agreement’ on November 29th. Indigenous Services Canada receives BCRs from Ermineskin Cree Nation, Louis Bull Tribe, Montana First Nation and Samson Cree Nations to form a Tribal Council.


Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council By-Laws was approved by the Four Maskwacis Cree Chiefs and Task Force Chair Larron Northwest on March 26th. The Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council was incorporated in Alberta (Societies Act) on April 19th. The Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council Board of Directors are appointed by the Maskwacis Cree Chiefs in April. The following Board of Directors were nominate and approve officer positions on August 3rd: Larron Northwest, Danny Buffalo (Samson Cree Nation), Cheryl Montour, Nina Makinaw (Ermineskin Cree Nation), Tammy Moonias, Wayne Moonias (Louis Bull Tribe), Justin Strongman, Ralph Cattleman (Montana First Nation). A three-month interim position was posted for an Executive Director for the Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council on August 7th. Completed the Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council Board of Directors strategic planning session on August 14-15th in Edmonton. 2019 – Developed and approved the Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council Board of Director Strategic Plan and Operations Plans in June.